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Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Adi Moran is an expert endodontist based in London with an outstanding academic backgro... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Adi Moran is an expert endodontist based in London with an outstanding academic background. He practices at Ha... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 15 anni
Esperienza professionale
Endodontist, Harley Street Dental Studio (2011 - present)Specialist in Endodontics, EndoCare (20... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Adi Moran
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Dr Adi Moran
4-6 George St, Richmond
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52 Harley Street
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Dr Adi Moran
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Adi Moran is an expert endodontist based in London with an outstanding academic background. He practices at Harley Street Dental Studio and at Endocare Richmond. Originally qualifying from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Dr Moran completed a specialty programme in Endodontics at the Hebrew University, Hadassah, where he was one of the few interns regularly asked to lecture before being certified as a specialist. He now practices at Endocare, a centre of excellence for diagnosing and treating dental pain and providing root canal surgery.
Dr Moran held an official academic title of an ‘associate clinical teacher’ at the department of Endodontics, the University of Warwick for five years, teaching and instructing MSc courses and being involved in research. He routinely lectures to general dental practitioners, and is a guest lecturer at the department of Endodontics, Hadassah where he has been a clinical instructor to undergraduate dental students for a number of years. Additionally he is a key opinion leader for Kerr Endodontics.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 160229
- Hebreo
- Inglese
Dr Adi Moran
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who poss... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Menopausa
- Disturbi mestruali
- Chirurgia ad accesso minimo (chirurgia del buco della serratura)
- Chirurgia dell'endometriosi
- Fibromi
- Isteroscopia chirurgica
- Menopausa
- Disturbi mestruali
- Chirurgia ad accesso minimo (chirurgia del buco della serratura)
- Chirurgia dell'endometriosi
- Fibromi
- Isteroscopia chirurgica
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who possesses a high level of expertise in management of various gynaecological conditions. She is currently practising both at the NH... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 5 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Spire Bushey Diagnostic Centre (present)Consultant Ob... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Nanda Shetty
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Dr Nanda Shetty
290 Centennial Ave, Elstree, Borehamwood
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Ambrose Lane, Harpenden
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Dr Nanda Shetty
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who possesses a high level of expertise in management of various gynaecological conditions. She is currently practising both at the NHS at West Hertfordshire NHS Trust and privately at the Spire Bushey Diagnostic Centre and the Spire Harpenden Hospital.
The conditions that she specialises in and has extensive experience in treating include benign gynaecology - fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic, vaginal and vulval Infections, vulval dermatosis, ovarian cysts, bartholin’s and other vulval and vaginal cysts, menopause, perimenopause and post-menopausal conditions, as well as paediatric and adolescent gynaecology. She offers both open operations and minimal access surgeries including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy when surgical intervention is needed.
She adopts a holistic approach and is empathetic, patient, and gentle in approach as well as detailed in diagnosis and treatment with a very high patient satisfaction score. After successfully completing MBBS in India, Dr Shetty subsequently went on to obtain a diploma and Masters in obstetrics and gynaecology. Dr Shetty's career began in the UK in 2004, where she trained at various hospitals namely Kings College Hospital, Guys and St Thomas ‘Hospital, Woolwich Hospital and Whipps Cross Hospital across Northeast and south London.
She has over 28 years of experience in the speciality and has been a consultant in the UK for the last 10 years. She has successfully held various senior leadership positions at the NHS namely clinical director at West Herts NHS trust, foetal monitoring lead, labour ward lead, and chair of various committees including foetal monitoring and pelvic health. She has been involved in various charities and has provided voluntary health related service to underprivileged tribal communities in India.
She is particularly proud of promoting a high covid vaccine uptake and involving in administering vaccinations and producing guidelines and driving its implementation through her role as the clinical director at The West Herts NHS Trust. Dr Shetty, who has published quite a substantial number of peer-reviewed articles thus far in her medical career has a keen ongoing interest in research and teaching. She is involved in teaching and training of medical students, junior doctors, consultants and midwives regularly and was awarded the outstanding teacher award at the Kings College Hospital trust.
She is an active member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, British Menopausal society BMS, British Paediatric and adolescent Gynaecology BritSPAG, British Society of Vulval Diseases BSSVD and British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy BSGE and European society of gynaecological endoscopy ESGE.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6093608
- Inglese
- Kannada
- Tulù
Dr Nanda Shetty
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr George Goodchild is a consultant gastroenterologist and interventional endoscopist at T... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Colonoscopia
- Polipi
- Cancro al pancreas
- Intestino irritabile
- Dolori addominali nel bambino
- Riflusso gastrico
- Colonoscopia
- Polipi
- Cancro al pancreas
- Intestino irritabile
- Dolori addominali nel bambino
- Riflusso gastrico
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr George Goodchild is a consultant gastroenterologist and interventional endoscopist at The London Clinic. He specialises in colonoscopy, polyps, Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 15 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant gastroenterologist and Interventional endoscopist, The London Clinic (present)Consult... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr George Goodchild
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Dr George Goodchild
116 Harley Street London W1G 7JL
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Dr George Goodchild
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr George Goodchild is a consultant gastroenterologist and interventional endoscopist at The London Clinic. He specialises in colonoscopy, polyps, pancreatic cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), abdominal pain and acid reflux.
He completed his specialty and sub-specialty training in North London, including a research degree and advanced endoscopy fellowship at UCL and UCLH, respectively. Dr Goodchild has published extensively in diagnostic and advanced interventional endoscopy, focusing on diseases of the bile ducts and pancreas, such as autoimmune disease, pancreas cysts, and early diagnosis and endoscopic treatment of cancer.
As a certified UK BCSP screening colonoscopist, he is known for high-level endoscopic skills, ensuring comfort and effective polyp detection.
His procedures include ERCP and EUS for diagnosing and treating pancreatic cysts, screening for pancreatic cancer, assessing pancreatitis, diagnosing and treating gallstones, and evaluating bile duct strictures from both benign and cancerous conditions. He also performs balloon dilatation and stenting for strictures in the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, and bowel.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 7037453
- Inglese
Dr George Goodchild
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Kare Tang is a renowned consultant cardiologist with leading expertise in gen... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Cardiologia interventistica
- Insufficienza cardiaca
- Valvulopatia
- Ipertensione arteriosa
- Screening cardiaco
- Aritmie
- Cardiologia interventistica
- Insufficienza cardiaca
- Valvulopatia
- Ipertensione arteriosa
- Screening cardiaco
- Aritmie
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Kare Tang is a renowned consultant cardiologist with leading expertise in general cardiology and interventional cardiology. He trained extensively in various institution... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 30 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Cardiologist, LycaHealth Canary Wharf (present)Consultant Cardiologist, BMI The Londo... Mostrare di più
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Dr Kare Tang
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Dr Kare Tang
1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf
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120 Mile End Road, Mile End
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Basildon University Hospital, Nether Mayne
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Dr Kare Tang
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Kare Tang is a renowned consultant cardiologist with leading expertise in general cardiology and interventional cardiology. He trained extensively in various institutions in the UK and has spent more than 20 years providing healthcare within the NHS and to private patients. Among his many areas of expertise are heart failure, valvular heart diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiac screening and cardiac arrhythmia and coronary artery disease.
His incredibly high level of expertise makes him the chosen surgeon for many when it comes to very high-risk procedures. Dr Tang regularly performs complex and routine procedures such as coronary and heart catheterization, angioplasty (stents) and pacemaker implantation, among many others.
His extensive training took place in highly regarded institutions. After receiving his Bachelor's of Medicine in 1991, Dr Tang went on to train at Papworth and Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) and Hammersmith Hospital (London), both of which are renowned cardiac centres. After this, he pursued additional training to further hone his skills in Hong Kong at the Prince of Wales Chinese University. After this training, he returned to the UK and has worked for the NHS and at various private clinics across London, Colchester and Basildon.
Furthermore, Dr Tang is passionate about improving the field of cardiology via research. He is the principal investigator for seven major trials in the treatment of coronary artery disease and he has over 40 peer-reviewed research publications in prestigious journals.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 3547106
- Cinese (Cantonese)
- Inglese
Dr Kare Tang
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Professor Kefah Mokbel is an internationally renowned breast cancer surgeon and researcher... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Breast Cancer Surgery
- Ricostruzione mammaria
- Dolore al seno
- Mastiti
- Secrezione dal capezzolo
- Breast Cancer Surgery
- Ricostruzione mammaria
- Dolore al seno
- Mastiti
- Secrezione dal capezzolo
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Kefah Mokbel is an internationally renowned breast cancer surgeon and researcher who specialises in the multidisciplinary care of patients with breast cancer. He is the lead oncoplastic breast surgeon, chai... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 35 anni
Esperienza professionale
Chair of The Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Program, The London Breast Institute of the Princess Gr... Mostrare di più
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Professor Kefah Mokbel
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Professor Kefah Mokbel
27-29 Harley Street
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Professor Kefah Mokbel
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Kefah Mokbel is an internationally renowned breast cancer surgeon and researcher who specialises in the multidisciplinary care of patients with breast cancer. He is the lead oncoplastic breast surgeon, chair of breast cancer surgery and chair of the multidisciplinary breast cancer program at the London Breast Institute & The Princess Grace Hospital (part of HCA Healthcare). His areas of expertise include breast cancer detection, oncoplastic breast surgery, breast screening, DCIS, LCIS, inflammatory breast cancer, fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumours, breast cancer genetics & genomics, breast pain, breast cysts and lumps and breast implants. In addition, he is an honorary professor of breast cancer surgery at Brunel University London and the founder and president of a UK cancer charity; Breast Cancer Hope.
Following the completion of his undergraduate medical education at the London Hospital Medical College in 1990, Professor Mokbel pursued surgical training at the Royal Marsden, Charing Cross, Chelsea and Westminster, Saint Mary’s and St Bartholomew’s hospitals and completed his higher surgical training as an oncoplastic breast surgeon in 2000. Professer Mokbel has won various prestigious prizes, awards and honours during his education, training and postgraduate career.
He qualified as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1994 and was then granted the Master of Surgery degree in 2000 by The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine for his research in the field of molecular biology of breast cancer.
Professor Mokbel's research interest lies in the field of molecular biology and the clinical management of breast cancer and aesthetic breast surgery. This includes breast reconstruction following mastectomy and augmentation mammoplasty using implants and fat transfer. In addition, he has authored or coauthored more than 400 scientific papers, editorials, commentaries and textbook chapters (Google Scholar H-index = 59 and I10-index = 209) and has authored 14 textbooks aimed at medical students and postgraduate doctors. His current academic interest is focused on how to apply the advances from clinical trials to daily surgical practice. He is also currently a member of the editorial board of various global medical journals and has peer-reviewed for renowned journals such as The Lancet.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 3493616
- Arabo
- Inglese
Professor Kefah Mokbel
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Professor Anand Saggar is a highly experienced consultant clinical geneticist, who forms p... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Anomalia cromosomica
- Disturbi genetici
- Studi genetici
- Cancro al seno
- Ritardo dello sviluppo
- Huntington
- Infertilità
- Anomalia cromosomica
- Disturbi genetici
- Studi genetici
- Cancro al seno
- Ritardo dello sviluppo
- Huntington
- Infertilità
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Anand Saggar is a highly experienced consultant clinical geneticist, who forms part of the team at The International G... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 40 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Clinical Geneticist, The International Gene Clinic (present)Consultant Physician and ... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
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Professor Anand Saggar
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Professor Anand Saggar
215 Great Portland Street, 2nd Floor
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16 Devonshire St, London
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164-178 Cromwell Rd, London
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Professor Anand Saggar
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Anand Saggar is a highly experienced consultant clinical geneticist, who forms part of the team at The International Gene Clinic, based in London. He focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various disorders and syndromes, specialising in genetic disorders and testing, connective tissue disorders, chromosome abnormalities, familial cancer, infertility, and all forms of inherited disease.
Professor Saggar undertook his medical studies at the University of London, completing his MBBS in 1982. He was later awarded a fellowship to The Royal College of Physicians. Having recently retired from his work as the senior consultant within the NHS multidisciplinary team responsible for providing services for a population of approximately 2.7 million across the region, Professor Saggar now dedicates his time to seeing patients in his extensive clinics in London and Ireland.
Professor Saggar continues to take part in clinics in both general adult and paediatric dysmorphology alongside specialist clinics for patients with connective tissue diseases, kidney disorders, tuberous sclerosis, cancer family histories and other speciality areas. He was responsible for leading the Marfan/Aortopathy syndrome (connective tissue diseases) clinics at St George’s and the Brompton/ Harefield Hospitals.
During an appointment, Professor Saggar undertakes a thorough assessment of the medical history, family history and symptoms. Utilising state-of-the-art genetic sequencing technologies, he can try and pinpoint the underlying genetic causes of rare conditions. This meticulous approach ensures that patients receive informed opinions and detailed gene tests results in a timely manner.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 2574251
Professor Anand Saggar
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Mr Ahmed Magan is a highly esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon who possesses exte... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore
- Ricambio dell'anca
- Protesi del ginocchio
- Sostituzione delle articolazioni
- Artroscopia del ginocchio
- Artrite al ginocchio
- Ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore
- Ricambio dell'anca
- Protesi del ginocchio
- Sostituzione delle articolazioni
- Artroscopia del ginocchio
- Artrite al ginocchio
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Ahmed Magan is a highly esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon who possesses extensive experience in conditions and procedures such as ACL reconstruction, hip replac... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 20 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Outpatients and Diagnostic centre at 30 Devonshire Street (... Mostrare di più
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Mr Ahmed Magan
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Mr Ahmed Magan
30 Devonshire St, London
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The Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Pl
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Mr Ahmed Magan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Ahmed Magan is a highly esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon who possesses extensive experience in conditions and procedures such as ACL reconstruction, hip replacement surgery, knee replacement surgery, knee arthroscopy, joint replacement surgery, and knee arthritis.
Thus far in his medical career, Mr Magan has undergone rigorous training and education to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and treat a wide range of orthopaedic conditions, from sports injuries to degenerative joint diseases. Mr Magan's areas of expertise encompass various aspects of orthopaedic surgery, including joint replacement surgery, arthroscopic procedures, fracture management, and sports medicine.
In addition to his clinical practice, Mr Magan is notably actively involved in medical education and research, sharing his knowledge and expertise with medical students, residents, and colleagues. He is committed to advancing the field of orthopaedics through research initiatives, publications, and presentations, contributing to the collective understanding of orthopaedic conditions and treatments.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6167330
- Inglese
Mr Ahmed Magan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Simon Aylwin is a consultant endocrinologist in London with 30 years of profession... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Obesità
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
- Tumori pituitari
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Ovaio policistico
- Ormone della crescita
- Obesità
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
- Tumori pituitari
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Ovaio policistico
- Ormone della crescita
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Simon Aylwin is a consultant endocrinologist in London with 30 years of professional expertise and a well-established private practice that mirrors his NHS work. Patients can access his priva... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 35 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Endocrinologist, HCA UK at The Shard, Central London (present) Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Simon Aylwin
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Dr Simon Aylwin
The Shard, 32 St Thomas Street
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Dr Simon Aylwin
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Simon Aylwin is a consultant endocrinologist in London with 30 years of professional expertise and a well-established private practice that mirrors his NHS work. Patients can access his private healthcare services HCA UK at the Shard, which is part of London Bridge Hospital.
Dr Aylwin has spent decades assisting patients with the diagnosis and management of a wide range of conditions. This includes thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and issues relating to the growth hormone.
He is also an expert on the adrenal gland and pituitary glands. In fact, Dr Alywin is the leader of the pituitary and adrenal multidisciplinary teams at the renowned King’s College Hospital in London, where patients receive treatment for pituitary tumours and other endocrine-related tumours and cancers. Furthermore, he works as a physician alongside bariatric surgeons managing patients with severe obesity.
He graduated from Queens’ College, Cambridge, in 1987 and undertook clinical studies at the Royal London Hospital, qualifying in 1990. After achieving his MRCP in 1993, he undertook specialist endocrinology training and research studies at Bart’s and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, obtaining his PhD in 2001.
Dr Aylwin has published over 80 scientific research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Through research, he has contributed to the fields of endocrine tumours, clinical obesity, appetite regulation, and molecular endocrinology. Furthermore, he regularly reviews journal submissions for international publications for Pituitary, the Pituitary Society's international journal, of which he is also on the editorial board. What's more, Dr Aylwin is involved in the teaching and training of future specialists. He lectures widely both within the UK and abroad and has contributed to numerous symposia and debates at several societies, including the British Endocrine Society.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 3481435
- Francese
- Inglese
Dr Simon Aylwin
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr David Myers is an experienced general practitioner at Eisman Myers GP Practice. He grad... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Medicina geriatrica
- Pediatria
- La salute delle donne
- Controllo sanitario degli uomini
- Medicina preventiva
- Check up (medicina preventiva)
- Medicina geriatrica
- Pediatria
- La salute delle donne
- Controllo sanitario degli uomini
- Medicina preventiva
- Check up (medicina preventiva)
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr David Myers is an experienced general practitioner at Eisman Myers GP Practice. He graduated from the Middlesex Hospital in London in 1969 and initially trained in surgery before shifting to gener... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 55 anni
Esperienza professionale
General practitioner, Eisman Myers GP Practice (present)General practitioner, Golders Green Outp... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr David Myers
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Dr David Myers
Roman House, 296 Golders Green Rd, London, NW11 9PY
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Roman House, Roman House, 296 Golders Green Rd, London, NW11 9PY
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Wellington Hospital South Bldg, 8A Wellington Pl
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Outpatients and Diagnostics Centre, Roman House, 296 Golders Green Rd, London
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Dr David Myers
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr David Myers is an experienced general practitioner at Eisman Myers GP Practice. He graduated from the Middlesex Hospital in London in 1969 and initially trained in surgery before shifting to general practice in 1972. Dr Myers worked as an NHS general practitioner, specialising in occupational health, and later became the senior occupational health physician at the Middlesex Hospital.
In 1980, he transitioned to private general practice and has since been a key figure in the local medical community. Dr Myers has particular interests in acute medicine, paediatrics, and mental health.
In his current role, he continues to provide dedicated healthcare services, drawing on his extensive knowledge and years of practical experience. Dr Myers' commitment to comprehensive healthcare has contributed significantly to his established reputation in the community.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 1436299
- Inglese
Dr David Myers
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis is a highly esteemed and experienced consultant dermatologist who po... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Dermatologia genitale
- Dermatologia pediatrica
- Cancro della pelle
- Acne
- Cisti
- Eczema
- Dermatologia genitale
- Dermatologia pediatrica
- Cancro della pelle
- Acne
- Cisti
- Eczema
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis is a highly esteemed and experienced consultant dermatologist who possesses expertise in skin cysts, genital dermatology, lichen sclerosus, Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 20 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Dermatologist, Derma Reading (present)Consultant Dermatologist, Oxford University Hos... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Connessione con agenda in corso...
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis
Seleziona lo studio
Connessione con agenda in corso...
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis
Derma, Shepherds Hill, Reading
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Top Doctors
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Inge Kreuser-Genis is a highly esteemed and experienced consultant dermatologist who possesses expertise in skin cysts, genital dermatology, lichen sclerosus, paediatric dermatology, skin cancer, eczema and acne. She currently practises at the Derma Reading clinic.
Dr Kreuser-Genis, who also specialises in eczema, psoriasis, and benign and malignant skin lesions, successfully obtained her first medical qualification in 2005 after completing an MBChB in medicine at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Following this, she would go on to add an MRCP to her medical qualifications, which she completed at the Royal College of Physicians in 2014.
Notably, Dr Kreuser-Genis has presented and published extensively on complex dermatological cases at both a national and international level. Her main research interest is complex vulval disease, and she was awarded the inaugural British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD) trainee fellowship.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 7012994
- Afrikaans
- Inglese